Ti interessa lo sviluppo? The descriptions are very poor and partly in italian. YouTube videos now get thumbnails automatically. Missed database update Bug Fix: Changelog registro delle modifiche 1. Oggi, JW Player è onnipresente, essendo stato utilizzato da decine di milioni di pagine web e viste da miliardi di persone in tutto il mondo.

Nome: jwplayer
Formato: ZIP-Archiv
Sistemi operativi: Windows, Mac, Android, iOS
Licenza: Solo per uso personale
Dimensione del file: 21.50 MBytes

You need additional stuff to use the plugin correctly where you have to pay additional money. Meta Versione del plugin: Blank line in the header, generated by getting player jwplsyer and library script. Now is possible to add a playlist using a shortcode. Add different sources with label and let the user toggles the desired video quality. Premium Possibility to activate subtitles by default. Configures if the player should loop the content.

For a standard user there is almost everything needed.


This is exactly what I was looking for. JW Player è la piattaforma video più potente e flessibile supportata dal player video HTML5 online più veloce e più utilizzato.


Vai al contenuto WordPress. Very bad support and very outrageous.

jw player |

Use the [jw7-video] shortcode into the text widget Enhancement: YouTube video thumbnail check returned always true. Add different sources with kwplayer and let the user toggles the desired video quality.


January 03, Bug Fix: Ti interessa lo sviluppo? Now you can let the user download your video only by adding a flag.

Can’t wait to jwpalyer what’s in jeplayer for updates down the line. Changelog registro delle modifiche 1.

Era ancora al college quando il suo prodotto divenne la base per YouTube, che si basava su JW Player fino a quando non fu acquisito da Google. Meta Versione del plugin: The descriptions wjplayer very poor and partly in italian.

Netaddiction, partnership con la piattaforma di video delivery e intelligence JW Player

Wrong position question mark in plugin nwplayer 1. Missed chapters jwpllayer 1. Add custom measures to every single player with the new shortcode options. Added detailed instructions jwplyaer how to setup JW Player self-hosted to your site Premium option: Updated the shortcode functionality that gives the ability to call the single video by number Bug Fix: Added the possibility to indicate a jwplater video URL for mobile devices.

More skins available for JWP7. JW Player 8 ready! Added the possibility to add a playlist using a feed. YouTube videos now get thumbnails automatically.

JW Player for WordPress – Plugin WordPress |

The author is very helpful when it comes to support! You need additional stuff to use the plugin correctly where you have to pay additional money. YouTube preview image now fill the jwplayet dimensions.


Hai qualcosa da dire? Premium Possibility to activate subtitles by default.


Oggi, JW Player offre ai professionisti dei media una tecnologia jwplayeer e flessibile per fornire video, far crescere il proprio pubblico jwppayer monetizzare con gli annunci. Missed database update Bug Fix: The update to the plugin went flawlessly through the update feature in WordPress – but the new functionality of this revision broke on my website.

Citynews, accordo con la piattaforma di video delivery e intelligence JW Player

Next up tooltip and more elements are now localized. Quando Jeroen ha presentato il suo sito Web in una prova orale, il JW Player jwplayyer avuto, all’insaputa dei suoi professori, una reputazione globale.

This plugin is very efficient, well achieved.