Allow to exclude devices in responsive control Tweak: Elementor is a live frontend page builder, that lets you reach a high end design with no need to write even a line of code or CSS. Admin Notice not dismissing in some server configurations Fix: We packed 30 of the most useful widgets into our page builder. Added Horizontal Alignment in Column for inline widget New: Fixed toggle widget RTL style Tweak: Positioning issue while dragging inline text widgets Fix:

Nome: elementor
Formato: ZIP-Archiv
Sistemi operativi: Windows, Mac, Android, iOS
Licenza: Solo per uso personale
Dimensione del file: 39.45 MBytes

Elementor Icon library updated with new icons Tweak: Pagination color default for carousels Fix: Improved Editor accessibility — replace title attributes with aria-label Tweak: Save default page template 2. Avoid multiple ready trigger in preview Fix: Removed elementor-inner ID from frontend output 1. Show edit with Elementor button on admin bar in regular posts Fix:

Per questo blog ho acquistato la versione a pagamento di Elementor, grazie alla quale ho rifatto totalmente la home page.

Elementor Pro Italia – Notizie, tips e tricks per Elementor – La community Italiana

Updated Dialog Manager v3. Vertical or horizontal tabs that display different pieces of content.



Added compatibility for the future release of Elementor Pro Fix: Normalize template data in some elmeentor Fix: Added ability to set a default value in a control selectors settings Tweak: Padding for first active control in section Fix: Reorder admin columns in My Templates Tweak: Only show Caption style section for Image widget if needed 2.

Thrive Content Builder Plugin particolarmente adatto per le landing page.

Changed default image elementof control Fix: Added stretch section control for all parent sections New: Style glitch in the responsive control 2. Improved IE compatibility mechanism Tweak: Admin Notice not dismissing in some server configurations Fix: Removed development mode flag Tweak: Improved Integration with 3rd party plugins and themes Fix: Column width option for mobile portrait is deprecated.

elemengor Added Keyboard Shortcuts modal New: Our page builder includes undo and redo for any action you make. Divider control on top of controls popover Fix: Stronger selector for heading widget color, to avoid section style override Fix: Elenentor API docs for developers Tweak: Social Icons widget accessibility — added labels for screen readers Tweak: Added editor compatibility for some themes Fix: Added elementor-edit-area-preview and elementor-edit-area-active classes Tweak: Video widget cover image not displayed properly when lightbox on 1.


Moved My Library to top of admin menu Tweak: Scroll issue in Safari browser topic Fix: Library RTL bug in template preview Fix: La nota dolente è la community di devs che non è attivissima ma pian piano si svilupperanno sempre più Addons per questo Plugin fantastico!

Heading with link custom color gone Fix: Bug with target blank link in Icon List widget Fix: Set default style for UI controls in all sliders and carousels Fix: Dispone di 46 moduli di personalizzazione della piattaforma WordPress post e paginema i contenuti creati da questo plugin sono utilizzabili solamente quando il suddetto è attivo.


Easy to use with many features, even for the free one. Changes nonce key for third party plugins 1.