Responsibility We take no responsibility for the loss of products after they have been delivered the goods. Confezioni sacchi carta da 25 kg. The invoice must be requested by sending a message, exclusively through Ebay, just after purchasing the item. In case of non-payment by ‘4th day we will open a procedure for ONP offerer paid and from the 7th to close it with signaling of unpaid item and put it back on sale the product. Thousands of products in a click Contact us for any information or clarification; we are at your disposal! The methods of payment accepted only for Italy are: Conferma la tua posizione.

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We inform you that the personal information you provide will be used by Inferramenta Srl for the sole purpose of providing the services requested and within the limits of Inferramenta Srl communication activities sending of informative material such as newsletters, to queries, reports replies with mode strictly necessary for this purpose. Tramite il servizio Okynet puoi acquistare gli abbonamenti da 12 e 24 basi e multipli presso i negozi di strumenti musicali autorizzati e scaricare da casa tua le canzoni del repertorio, navigando, senza problemi. Questo sito utilizza cookie tecnici, analitici e di profilazione propri e di terze parti, per inviarti pubblicità in linea con le tue preferenze. If your parcel is stranded or in stock we will notify you and to do everything in ns. When you receive the shipment before signing the receipt of delivery to the courier, please control it well and if damaged to sign or not to accept it.

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Un sito Internet dedicato a te: Postal order altro In case of purchase you will receive an email with all instructions relating to the payment of the object. In case of non-payment by ‘4th day we will open a procedure for ONP offerer paid and from the 7th to close it with signaling of unpaid item and put it back on sale the product.

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Privacy Bse Information in accordance with art. Pubblicità su Edilportale DEM: May not exercise the right of withdrawal customers who purchase with VAT and those who buy custom goods. This is essential for the refund request when you experience damage during shipping. In the event that the item ordered is no longer available, we the right to cancel the request and credit back any amounts paid. We will send you an email with a summary of the entire md3 and the total amount to be paid with shipping only.

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